


The first White Coat Summit was held in Washington D.C. July 27-28, 2020. Its purpose was to have frontline doctors talk directly to the American public, educate and inform policy leaders, and create alliances to enable physicians to heal our nation. 

“America’s Frontline Doctors” Addressed the Massive COVID-19 / Hydroxychloroquine Disinformation Campaign with a Supreme Court Press Conference on July 27, 2020. They spoke out against the unnecessary fear being generated by the mainstream media, and discussed how fear of COVID-19 is a significantly larger problem than COVID-19 itself.

Watch Video On BitChute

Press Conference Transcript

The video went viral and was quickly removed by multiple social media platforms (Google/YouTube, Twitter and Facebook) for containing “misleading” or “false” information. Removing this life-saving video from their platforms is perhaps their largest censorship effort to date.

Dr. Simone Gold was fired from her position after 20 years as an emergency room physician because she appeared at the White Coat Summit.
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April 14, 2021

Exposing “the serious and life-threatening disinformation campaign” being waged against the American people and the world.

The Truth About The Covid-19 Vaccine
 _ Dr. Simone Gold
click link



Exposing the Portland Peace Protesters for what they are -- Anarchists!

click link to view censored video

When asked, "Do you disavow (deny responsibility for) the violence from Antifa -- that's happening in Portland right now?" House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) answered, "That's a myth that is being spread only in Washington D.C."

This is the false narrative being spread by Democrats and the Mainstream Media. But the violence from Antifa in Portland is real; it has been captured on video for all to see.




"Q" is a high-level government insider (military intelligence) tasked with posting “crumbs” for the purpose of covertly informing patriots about Donald Trump’s master plan to rout the Deep State.

Q Post 4536 _ June 28, 2020
If the news is untrustworthy, corrupt, controlled, 
and simply an extension [arm] of the [D] party...
How do you circumvent? 
[controlled lines of comm [propaganda]]
How do you communicate directly with the people?
Backchannels are important.
Knowledge is >power<

Q Post 4509 _ June 24, 2020

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield - Together We Win

You have been selected to help serve your Country.
Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.].
Use other platforms as a form of 
centralized command and control. 
Organize and connect [bridge through linking].
Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage 
[highlight & share][take & drop]

Mission 1: 
Dispute [reject] propaganda push 
through posting of research and facts 
Mission 2: 
Support role of other digital soldiers 
[one falls another stands (rises)]
Mission 3: 
Guide [awaken] others through use of facts 
[DECLAS 1-99 material and other 
relevant facts] and memes 
[decouple MSDNC control of info stream] 
ask 'counter' questions to initiate 'thought' 
vs repeat [echo] of MSDNC propaganda 
Mission 4: 
Learn use of camouflage [digitally] _
primary account suspended-terminated _use of secondary
Mission 5: 
Identify strengths / weaknesses [personal 
and designated target(s)] re: Twitter & FB 
example re: meme(s) failure to read through use of ALGO 
[think Tron (MCP_master control program)] _
dependence on person-to-person capture 
[slow response time unidentified user(s)]

Game theory.
Information warfare. 
Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.
Together we win.





Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a death certificate. Why? Because if it’s a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for -- if they’re Medicare -- typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it’s COVID-19 pneumonia, then it’s $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000. _ Sen. Scott Jensen, (R) MN, April 24, 2020

When media and [D] elected officials [coordinate] [knowingly] attempt to prevent a 'medically verifiable' solution [prevention] re: COVID-19 [prev_death] we enter a STATE OF CRISIS...
Your life means nothing to them [sheep].
You are a vote when it matters and a dollar sign when it does not.
- Q Post #4409 _ June 04, 2020

How much does Hydroxychloroquine cost?

"The generic and brand versions of hydroxychloroquine are covered by most Medicare and insurance plans... According to Good RX, the lowest price for the most common version of hydroxychloroquine is around $20.41, which is 88 percent off the average retail price of $177.73 for 60 of the 200 milligram tablets."
- Fox Business

How much could a COVID-19 Vaccine cost?

Pharmaceutical companies view a Covid-19 "vaccine" as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity. They’re all in the race, and the potential payoffs for winning the race are huge. 
The global crisis “will potentially be a blockbuster for the industry in terms of sales and profits... (and) the worse the pandemic gets, the higher their eventual profit.” Gerald Posner, author of "Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America."

~ * * * ~

The Lancet announces that its 96,000 observational study on Hydroxychloroquine has been RETRACTED.

