
Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts




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After calling for a "Great Reset" in 2014, the World Economic Forum (WEF) repeated this ideology for a few years before simulating pandemic scenarios in 2018. (They role-played what would happen if a real pandemic were to occur.) Two fake pandemics were simulated by the Davos elites in the two years leading up to the "real" coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

October 18, 2019 _ In partnership with Johns Hopkins and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum ran "Event 201." During the scenario the entire global economy was shaken, there were riots in the streets, and high-tech surveillance measures were needed to “stop the spread.” "Event 201" highlighted the challenges of a pandemic -- along with recommendations closely associated with the Great Reset agenda.

On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a "Pandemic." The World Economic Forum (WEF) followed, "Now Is The Time For A Great Reset."

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Now the truth is, COVID-19 is real -- but it is NOT more dangerous than any other flu-like virus that attacks the respiratory system. The difference is, unlike other flu-like viruses, COVID-19 has been "weaponized" -- to bring the world to its knees.

The Real Pandemic Is FEAR OF COVID-19. Fear is the master manipulator. It can move people to do anything, no matter how nonsensical it is.

“Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.” _ Bertrand Russell

Fear of COVID-19 has been used -- and continues to be used -- to "lock down" cities, states and nations. These (nonsensical) tyrannical lockdowns are destroying economies and impoverishing people around the world -- by design.

COVID-19 has become justification for the bailout of financially insolvent states (CA, IL, NY) with taxpayer funds. COVID-19 has been weaponized to "fundamentally transform" the U.S. and the world. The endgame is "The Great Reset."

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June 3, 2020 _ Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum declared, “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.”

The Great Reset is "a complete makeover of society under a technocratic regime of un-elected bureaucrats who want to dictate how the world is run from the top down, leveraging invasive technologies to track and trace your every move while censoring and silencing anyone who dares not comply."
-various sources




December 11, 2020 _ Pennsylvania Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf announced new lockdowns to close down my state for Christmas and New Year’s. “We need to slow the spread right now to save lives,” said a governor responsible for the deaths of thousands of seniors.

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Doctors and Medical Scientists Declare Lockdowns 
Harmful to Public Health

Thousands of doctors and medical scientists are taking a stand against the nation's lockdowns, and are calling for the country to reopen.


"As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection."

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A coroner in Colorado is speaking out, claiming states across the country are inflating their numbers of COVID-19 deaths.

Flawed testing data leads to hospitals inflating number of COVID-19 patients across the country.


COVID-19 is not as deadly as the media is claiming.




"Mandatory masks are a critical predicate conditioning us to accept abuses of our liberty. Mandatory masking provides the foundation on which governments continue to justify emergency measures and rule by executive fiat, and it creates a national mood of consent that America will accept indefinite government expansion because we face a 'new normal.'" _ Molly McCann, Senior Contributor at The Federalist


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THE KEY QUESTION: Why is COVID-19 being disproportionately hyped as such a dangerous threat, when the reality of the statistical danger is much less than the intense level of hype?

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The world in which we find ourselves living is, to use an expression from the Gospel, “in se divisum” (Mt 12:25). This division, it seems to me, consists of a split between reality and fiction: objective reality on one side, and the fiction of the media on the other. This certainly applies to the pandemic, which has been used as a tool of social engineering that is instrumental to the Great Reset, but it applies even more to the surreal American political situation, in which the evidence of a colossal electoral fraud is being censored by the media, which now proclaims Joe Biden’s victory as an accomplished fact. 

The reality of Covid is blatantly in contrast with what the mainstream media wants us to believe, but this is not enough to dismantle the grotesque castle of falsehoods to which the majority of the population conforms with resignation. In a similar way, the reality of electoral fraud, of blatant violations of the rules and the systematic falsification of the results contrasts with the narrative given to us by the information giants, who say that Joe Biden is the new President of the United States, period. And so it must be: there are no alternatives, either to the supposed devastating fury of a seasonal flu that caused the same number of deaths as last year, or to the inevitability of the election of a candidate who is corrupt and subservient to the deep state. In fact, Biden has already promised to restore the lockdown.  

Reality no longer matters: it is absolutely irrelevant when it stands between the conceived plan and its realization. Covid and Biden are two holograms, two artificial creations, ready to be adapted time and time again to contingent needs or respectively replaced when necessary with Covid-21 and Kamala Harris. The accusations of irresponsibility thrown at Trump supporters for holding rallies vanish as soon as Biden’s supporters gather in the streets, as has already happened for BLM demonstrations. What is criminal for some people is permitted for others: without explanations, without logic, without rationality. The mere fact of being on the left, of voting for Biden, of putting on the mask is a pass to do anything, while simply being on the right, voting for Trump or questioning the effectiveness of masks is sufficient reason for condemnation and an execution that does not require any evidence or a trial: they are ipso facto labeled as fascists, sovereignists, populists, deniers – and those labeled with these social stigmas are supposed to simply silently withdraw. 

We thus return to that division between good people and evil people, that is ridiculed when it is used by one side – ours – and conversely held up as an incontestable postulate when used by our adversaries. We have seen this with the contemptuous comments responding to my words about the “children of Light” and the “children of darkness,” as if my “apocalyptic tones” were the fruit of a ravingly mad mind and not the simple observation of reality. But by disdainfully rejecting this Biblical division of humanity, they have actually confirmed it, restricting to themselves alone the right to give the stamp of social, political, and religious legitimacy. 

They are the good ones, even if they support the killing of the innocent – and we are supposed to get over it. They are the ones supporting democracy, even if in order to win elections they must always resort to deception and fraud – even fraud that is blatantly evident. They are the defenders of freedom, even if they deprive us of it day after day. They are objective and honest, even if their corruption and their crimes are now obvious even to the blind. The dogma that they despise and deride in others is indisputable and incontrovertible when it is they who promote it. 

But as I have said previously, they are forgetting a small detail, a particular that they cannot understand: the Truth exists in itself; it exists regardless of whether there is someone who believes it, because the Truth possesses in itself, ontologically, its own reason for validity. The Truth cannot be denied because it is an attribute of God; it is God Himself. And everything that is true participates in this primacy over lies. We can thus be theologically and philosophically certain that these deceptions’ hours are numbered, because it will be enough to shine light on them to make them collapse. Light and darkness, precisely. So let us allow light to be shed on the deceptions of Biden and the Democrats, without taking even one step back: the fraud that they have plotted against President Trump and against America will not remain standing for long, nor will the worldwide fraud of Covid, the responsibility of the Chinese dictatorship, the complicity of the corrupt and traitors, and the enslavement of the deep church. Tout se tient [Everything fits together]. 

In this panorama of systematically constructed lies, spread by the media with a disturbing impudence, the election of Joe Biden is not only desired, but is considered indispensable and therefore true and therefore definitive. Even though the vote counts are not completed; even though the vote verifications and recounts are only just beginning; even though the lawsuits alleging fraud have only just been filed. Biden must become President, because they have already decided it: the vote of the American people is valid only if it ratifies this narrative – otherwise, it is “reinterpreted,” dismissed as plebiscite drift, populism, and fascism. 

It is therefore not surprising that the Democrats have such coarse and violent enthusiasm for their candidate in pectore, nor that the media and the official commentators have such uncontainable satisfaction, nor that political leaders from around the world are expressing their support and sycophantic subjection to the deep state. We are watching a race to see who can arrive first, elbowing and sprawling to show off, so that they can be seen to have always believed in the crushing victory of the Democratic puppet. 

But if we understand that the sycophancy of world heads of state and party secretaries is simply a part of the trite script of the global Left, we are frankly left quite disturbed by the declarations of the United States’ Conference of Catholic Bishops, immediately republished by Vatican News, which with disturbing cross-eyedness credits itself with having supported “the second Catholic President in the history of the United States,” apparently forgetting the not-negligible detail that Biden is avidly pro-abortion, a supporter of LGBT ideology and of anti-Catholic globalism. The Archbishop of Los Angeles, JosĂ© H. Gomez, profaning the memory of the Cristeros martyrs of his native country, says bluntly: “The American people have spoken.” The frauds that have been denounced and widely proven matter little: the annoying formality of the vote of the people, albeit adulterated in a thousand ways, must now be considered to be concluded in favor of the standard-bearer of aligned, mainstream thought. We have read, not without retching, the posts of James Martin, S.J., and all those courtiers who are pawing to get on Biden’s chariot in order to share in his ephemeral triumph. Those who disagree, those who ask for clarity, those who have recourse to the law to see their rights protected do not have any legitimacy and must be silent, resign themselves, and disappear. Or rather: they must be “united” with the exultant choir, applaud and smile. Those who do not accept are threatening democracy and must be ostracized. As may be seen, there are still two sides, but this time they are legitimate and indisputable because it is they who impose them. 

It is indicative that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Planned Parenthood are both expressing their satisfaction for the presumed electoral victory of the same person. This unanimity of consensus recalls the enthusiastic support of the Masonic Lodges on the occasion of the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, which was also not free from the shadow of fraud within the Conclave and was equally desired by the deep state, as we know clearly from the emails of John Podesta and the ties of Theodore McCarrick and his colleagues with the Democrats and with Biden himself. A very nice little group of cronies, no doubt about it. 

With these words of the USCCB the pactum sceleris [plot to commit a crime] between the deep state and the deep church is confirmed and sealed, the enslavement of the highest levels of the Catholic hierarchy to the New World Order, denying the teaching of Christ and the doctrine of the Church. Taking note of this is the first, imperative step in order to understand the complexity of the present events and consider them in a supernatural, eschatological perspective. We know, indeed we firmly believe, that Christ, the one true Light of the world, has already conquered the darkness that obscures it.

American Catholics must multiply their prayers and beg the Lord for a special protection for the President of the United States. I ask priests, especially during these days, to recite the Exorcism against Satan and the apostate angels, and to celebrate the Votive Mass Pro Defensione ab hostibus. Let us confidently ask for the intervention of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whose Immaculate Heart we consecrate the United States of America and the entire world. 

+ Carlo Maria ViganĂ², Archbishop

November 8, 2020
Dominica XXIII Post Pentecosten





Planning "The Great Reset" 
at the World Economic Forum 
in Davos, Switzerland.

TheRemnantVideo (Aug 6, 2020)


Everyone from George Soros to Bill Gates, to Al Gore... and the Secretary-General of the United Nations openly admits that COVID-19 offers a rare opportunity to reset the world economy, population control, global commerce, climate change regulation, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to “reorder,” “reimagine” and fundamentally transform every aspect of life as we know it.

Is this the rest of the story behind the Russia hoax, Ukraine, the phony impeachment and all the other deep state attempts to cripple President Trump’s efforts to "make America great again"?

The powerful at Davos want a new world order, and the only thing standing in their way at the moment is the United States. And if they get their New Normal, nothing will be the same ever again -- unless Donald J. Trump wins re-election in November.

We are in a spiritual war -- a war between good and evil.

Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from His mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the Devil. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. (Ephesians 6:10-12)

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The Great Reset Plan Revealed: 
How COVID Ushers In The New World Order 

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The first White Coat Summit was held in Washington D.C. July 27-28, 2020. Its purpose was to have frontline doctors talk directly to the American public, educate and inform policy leaders, and create alliances to enable physicians to heal our nation. 

“America’s Frontline Doctors” Addressed the Massive COVID-19 / Hydroxychloroquine Disinformation Campaign with a Supreme Court Press Conference on July 27, 2020. They spoke out against the unnecessary fear being generated by the mainstream media, and discussed how fear of COVID-19 is a significantly larger problem than COVID-19 itself.

Watch Video On BitChute

Press Conference Transcript

The video went viral and was quickly removed by multiple social media platforms (Google/YouTube, Twitter and Facebook) for containing “misleading” or “false” information. Removing this life-saving video from their platforms is perhaps their largest censorship effort to date.

Dr. Simone Gold was fired from her position after 20 years as an emergency room physician because she appeared at the White Coat Summit.
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April 14, 2021

Exposing “the serious and life-threatening disinformation campaign” being waged against the American people and the world.

The Truth About The Covid-19 Vaccine
 _ Dr. Simone Gold
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Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a death certificate. Why? Because if it’s a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for -- if they’re Medicare -- typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it’s COVID-19 pneumonia, then it’s $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000. _ Sen. Scott Jensen, (R) MN, April 24, 2020

When media and [D] elected officials [coordinate] [knowingly] attempt to prevent a 'medically verifiable' solution [prevention] re: COVID-19 [prev_death] we enter a STATE OF CRISIS...
Your life means nothing to them [sheep].
You are a vote when it matters and a dollar sign when it does not.
- Q Post #4409 _ June 04, 2020

How much does Hydroxychloroquine cost?

"The generic and brand versions of hydroxychloroquine are covered by most Medicare and insurance plans... According to Good RX, the lowest price for the most common version of hydroxychloroquine is around $20.41, which is 88 percent off the average retail price of $177.73 for 60 of the 200 milligram tablets."
- Fox Business

How much could a COVID-19 Vaccine cost?

Pharmaceutical companies view a Covid-19 "vaccine" as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity. They’re all in the race, and the potential payoffs for winning the race are huge. 
The global crisis “will potentially be a blockbuster for the industry in terms of sales and profits... (and) the worse the pandemic gets, the higher their eventual profit.” Gerald Posner, author of "Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America."

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The Lancet announces that its 96,000 observational study on Hydroxychloroquine has been RETRACTED.





Five Democrat Governors Are Responsible 
For The Deaths Of Thousands of Seniors!

Q Post #4620 _ July 31, 2020
C19 _stage 3: Activate ‘controlled’ [D] GOVS 
to ‘spike’ death count + project statewide 
fear by presenting ‘alarming’ on-ground 
conditions [hospital [care-supplies] 

March 13, 2020 _ CMS Announces New Measures to Protect Nursing Home Residents from COVID-19

[...] “As we learn more about the Coronavirus from experts on the ground, we’ve learned that seniors with multiple conditions are at highest risk for infection and complications, so CMS is using every tool at our disposal to keep nursing homes free from infection,” said CMS Administrator Seema Verma. “Temporarily restricting visitors and nonessential workers will help reduce the risk of Coronavirus spread in nursing homes, keeping residents safe. The Trump Administration is working around the clock to ensure the continued safety of America’s health care system, particularly nursing homes.”

The new measures CMS announced today, which supersede prior CMS guidance, constitute the agency’s most aggressive and decisive recommendations with respect to nursing home safety in the face of the spread of COVID-19. They include:

Restricting all visitors, effective immediately, with exceptions for compassionate care, such as end-of-life situations;
Restricting all volunteers and nonessential health care personnel and other personnel (i.e. barbers);
Cancelling all group activities and communal dining; and
Implementing active screening of residents and health care personnel for fever and respiratory symptoms.
The guidance directs nursing homes to restrict visitation except in certain compassionate cases, like end-of-life. In those cases, visitors will be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks, and the visit will be limited to a specific room only.

...According to CDC, seniors with multiple health conditions are at highest risk for complications. With large congregations of that particularly vulnerable population, nursing homes are extremely susceptible to quick spread of the virus. There have already been reports of large numbers of cases of COVID-19 spreading quickly through nursing homes, such as the Life Care Center in Kirkland, Washington. The spread of COVID-19 in a nursing home can amplify or seed further spread to other facilities when patients are transferred and when staff and visitors come and go. According to CDC, visitors and health care personnel who are ill are the most likely source of introduction of COVID-19 into nursing homes, necessitating today’s change in guidance to restrict visitors and personnel... --

March 25, 2020 _ 12 Days After CMS Announces New Measures to Protect Nursing Home Residents from COVID-19, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) issues COVID-19 mandate which directly contradicts the clear directive from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) issued a mandate to force nursing homes to take known COVID-19-positive patients, and to prohibit nursing homes from testing patients for COVID-19 prior to admission.

In the weeks that followed the March 25 mandate, COVID-19 tore through New York state’s nursing facilities, killing more than 6,000 people -- about 6% of its more than 100,000 nursing home residents.

Other Democrat governors copied Governor Cuomo's mandate. These Democrat governors include: Pennsylvania’s Tom Wolf, New Jersey’s Phil Murphy, Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, California’s Gavin Newsom, and others.

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Rather than keeping COVID-19-positive patients at a hospital or somewhere else, these Democrat governors ordered nursing homes to take them, which accelerated and amplified the spread and severity of the disease -- and deaths skyrocketed.

Sources:, Forbes, New York Post, ProPublica, Breitbart News

In my home state Pennsylvania, nearly 70 percent of the COVID-19 deaths have occurred in nursing homes and long-term-care facilities.




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"...The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. Our campaign represents a 'true existential threat' like they haven’t seen before... For them, it’s a war... and for them, nothing at all is out of bounds." _ Donald Trump during a Florida rally on October 13, 2016


"With the support of countries and partners (like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), WHO (the public health arm of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group) is leading the co-creation of a new global vision and strategy to address challenges (like population control) over the next decade, to be endorsed by the World Health Assembly. IA 2030 (Immunization Agenda 2030) envisions a world where everyone, everywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines to improve health and well-being." _ WHO 2020

What is the Fauci - Gates - WHO 
COVID-19 Endgame? 

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines! 

The following was first published on 
October 25, 2014 


I strongly sense something terribly sinister unfolding… And I believe it is God’s will for me to write about this. As always, it is for you to (prayerfully) discern.

The state-controlled media is trying very hard to convince us that we should all be very afraid of this Ebola outbreak. The Ebola fear mongering propaganda campaign is in full swing. The purpose of this high level of media hype is to scare us.

We are being conditioned to blindly accept whatever Ebola vaccine the CDC recommends in the near future. And when the new vaccine comes out, people will run to the doctor or stand in line at the neighborhood drug store (or local inoculation station) to receive it! It has happened before.

The 1976 Swine Flu Scare & Vaccine

The CBS “60 Minutes” documentary on the 1976 “swine flu epidemic” that proved to be a hoax -- and the “swine flu vaccine” that killed hundreds and permanently maimed/injured thousands of people in the U.S.

Mike Wallace Exposes 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine Injuries
On "60 Minutes" (Nov. 4, 1979).
click to view video

Summary of Interview:

The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) did not test the actual vaccine that went to 46 million Americans. The swine flu vaccine killed hundreds and permanently maimed/injured thousands in the U.S.

The CDC knew about the possible permanent neurological damage that could result from taking the flu shot. The public was not warned, and waivers for people to sign before getting the shot omitted this information.

The entire vaccine campaign was ordered by the U.S. Government and started before any confirmed case of swine flu was actually found. [The only confirmed swine flu death was a soldier at Ft. Dix, N.J. who had the flu and collapsed on a forced march. Four other soldiers who also had the flu were back to normal within days without getting a shot.]

The CDC freely used the names of well-known celebrities without their consent to launch the mass immunization program. [Mary Tyler Moore’s testimony is: The CDC lied; she did not take the shot. She suspected it was not healthy, and her doctor later agreed.]

When challenged about the “important people” who took the flu shot, Dr. David Sencer stated, “…at least of that group President Ford did take the vaccination.” (President Gerald R. Ford was a 33rd Degree Master Mason, and it was President Ford who ordered the swine flu vaccination.)
Dr. David Sencer, director of the CDC at the time, ordered the swine flu vaccination program, and the advertising campaign for it. Not once was any warning found in any of the literature.

The 1976 Swine Flu Epidemic was a hoax. It was the Swine Flu Vaccine that proved to be the real danger.

Was this about our health and welfare? Was this all about money, and profits for pharmaceutical companies? Was there something even more sinister happening? Was there a hidden agenda?

The 2009-2010 H1N1 Flu Scare & Vaccine

The 2009-2010 H1N1 (Swine) Flu Pandemic was another hoax -- a hyped pandemic that never happened -- and pharmaceutical companies made a lot of money selling vaccines worldwide. They still do! (A perpetual pandemic of 5 years, and counting?) Fear is a most effective marketing tool.

Since 2009, CDC-recommended immunizations (flu shots) for adolescents, adults, seniors and children are available everywhere in the U.S. -- 24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days a year!

CVS sign reads: “When you get a flu shot,
receive a 20% Off Shopping Pass.”

Is this about our health and welfare? Is this all about money, and profits for pharmaceutical companies? Is there something terribly sinister unfolding? What is the hidden agenda?

Flu season occurs during the cold winter months. And yet, since 2009, every time I go to the VA Medical Center during the hot summer months, I am reminded that I have not yet received my flu shot. This doesn’t make sense. Where I live, no one gets the flu in August!

[Last month I received a form in the mail from the VA (Veterans Administration). If I am not getting the flu shot from the VA, the VA wants to know where I am getting it -- or am I declining to get it. (What is in the flu vaccine that the U.S. Government wants inside the body of every veteran?)]

Like the 1976 Swine Flu Epidemic, the 2009-2010 H1N1 Flu Pandemic was a hoax. But people continue to get the flu shot every year; they have been successfully conditioned to do so. And when the new Ebola vaccine comes out, they will run to the doctor or stand in line at the neighborhood drug store (or local inoculation station) to receive it!

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We are also being conditioned to accept whatever solution the UN may propose to fight this Ebola pandemic. [The WHO (World Health Organization) is the United Nations public health arm. UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) is in 190 countries and territories.] This solution will probably be a global vaccination program. But can the UN be trusted?

The UN has a history of using vaccines to infect and kill. The UN has a sinister population control agenda that includes forced vaccinations in third world countries. How safe are we?

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Very sobering indeed.

“Mother of God, spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
