


Before Leaving Church: 

Most Holy Trinity, you who now dwell inside my body in all of Your Divinity, nothing is beyond Your power. Therefore, I come before you and say, "Thy will be done." I renounce my self-will, and instead promise and desire to do and live in only Your Will. 

Please also preserve the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist within me, so that you may make of me a living Monstrance, that my walk today may be a true Procession through this city’s streets. Make of me a living Host, that all who see me truly gaze upon Your face, and grant me the Gift of Living in the Divine Will, so that Jesus may walk in my walking, speak in my speaking, pray in my praying, and indeed substitute His Divine and Eternal operations for all of my acts, and through me re-do all of the acts of Creation, past, present, and future -- in the Will of God, offering them back to the Father with the seal of my Fiat, which I pray may become an echo of Jesus and Mary’s perfect Fiat. 

Dear Jesus, let all of my sufferings serve as atonement for my sins and those of the whole world, and be fused with Yours in Your Passion and console your Sacred Heart. 

Let all who see me that lack Faith be as Longinus, and acknowledge you are the Son of God. Let all who see me that lack works be as Dismas, and receive the grace of perfect contrition, hope, and trust. Let all who see me that live in sin be as Magdalene and amend their ways. Let all who see me that suffer from wounds of spirit be healed of them, and in place of any darkness or despair, be filled with peace and joy, as you preached the good news to the poor. Let all who see the image of Your Mercy that I wear venerate it and therefore receive the promise you entrusted to Faustina, so they may not perish. Let all who see the weapon of your Mother (Holy Rosary) that I carry receive grace through her intercession, that she may crush the head of the serpent in their lives. 

Do not restrict these graces to only those few who see me but let them be extended to all the friends and family of these and continue in this manner until they reach the furthest ends of Earth, Heaven, and Purgatory; past, present, and future. 

I firmly trust and believe that you can do all of these things, for I ask them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Divine Will Missionaries of Mercy

I Trust in You. Thy Will be done. 
I give You my will. 
Please give me Yours in Return. 
Let Your Kingdom Come! 
Let Your Will be done on earth 
as it is in Heaven. 

Living In the Divine Will





And the Lord said to him: Make a brazen serpent, and set it up for a sign: whosoever being struck shall look on it, shall live. Moses therefore made a brazen serpent, and set it up for a sign: which when they that were bitten looked upon, they were healed. _ Numbers 21:8-9 (DRB)

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And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him, may not perish; but may have life everlasting. _ John 3:14-15 (DRB)

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“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Heavenly Father, 
Cover me with the Most Precious Blood of 
Your Son Jesus, 
from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. 
Cast out anything that should not be in me. 
Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells. 
Open any blocked arteries or veins, 
and rebuild and replenish any damaged areas.

Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection 
by the power of the Precious Blood of Jesus. 
Let the fire of Your healing love pass through 
my entire body 
to heal and make new any diseased areas, 
so that my body will function 
the way You created it to function. 
Touch also my mind and my emotions, 
even the deepest recesses of my heart.

Saturate my entire being with Your presence, 
love, joy and peace, 
and draw me ever closer to You 
every moment of my life. 

And Father, 
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit 
and empower me to do Your works, 
so that my life will bring glory and honor to 
Your Holy Name. 
I ask this in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”




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Vaccines for COVID-19 are 
"Experimental Gene Therapy"

Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, Inc. -- pharmaceutical company and manufacturer of the experimental mRNA injection -- confirms mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 can change your genetic code or DNA. _ from a TEDx Beacon Street talk in 2017

Vaccines for COVID-19 -- and its many future "variants" -- are a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity for Big Pharma.

Hydroxychloroquine (and Ivermectin) are medically verifiable, inexpensive, safe, effective -- and banned by the "powers that be."

HHS Whistleblower Goes Public

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"Geer Vanden Bossche has been warning that vaccine antibodies would suppress natural antibody responses. The vaccine antibodies take control of the immune system and defend only against a targeted virus.

Among vaccinated individuals, a COVID variant virus is not recognized by the specialized antibodies provided by the vaccine, and the natural antibodies have been programmed to stand down."

~ * * * ~

Religious exemptions from getting vaccinated are denied at Pfizer.


The Pfizer Inoculations For COVID-19 – More Harm Than Good
