


“The elect souls will have to fight the Prince of Darkness. It will be a frightening storm -- no, not a storm, but a hurricane devastating everything! He even wants to destroy the faith and confidence of the elect. I will always be beside you in the storm that is now brewing. I am your mother. I can help you and I want to! You will see everywhere the light of my Flame of Love sprouting out like a flash of lightning illuminating Heaven and earth, and with which I will inflame even the dark and languid souls! But what sorrow it is for me to have to watch so many of my children throw themselves in hell!” _ From the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth Kindelmann (1913-1985); approved by Cardinal Peter Erdo of Hungary.

Through the Flame of Love, the Blessed Virgin Mary asks us to take part in the blinding of Satan, the source of all evil, in order to prevent him from harming souls.

The Prayer of Jesus (The Unity Prayer)

My Adorable Jesus,
May our feet journey together.
May our hands gather in unity.
May our hearts beat in unison.
May our souls be in harmony.
May our thoughts be as one.
May our ears listen to
the silence
May our glances
penetrate each other.
May our lips pray together to
gain mercy from the Eternal Father.

“Through this prayer, Satan will be blind
and souls will not be led into sin."

And insert this prayer in your daily rosary: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

“From now on, any time you pray to me, add the following request:
‘Mother of God, spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.’
With this prayer, you will blind Satan.”

[The "effect of grace" includes: the conversion of sinners, the blinding of Satan, the New Pentecost, and whatever other gifts God will give to His Church and humanity through His Mother.]


~ * * * ~


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

There is not any doubt that we live an era of a very important spiritual combat which is taking place between the invisible forces of good and evil. The souls are the object and the theatre of this important combat. The ferocity of this combat is completely obvious, but it is much more for the children of the Light, this multitude of those who fight, sometimes in a heroic way, in order to persevere and to progress on the narrow way, that of holiness.

The forces of evil, guided by Satan, are fiercely and relentlessly unleashing against the children of God. By all the means at their disposal, they are bursting out by deceitfully perverting and by undermining at their bases all the foundations which, for two thousand years, have constituted the edifice of our faith and Christian morals established by Christ, and thereafter by His Church under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

As we can see, a new system promoting values contrary to those taught by Christ is set up. And the examples are numerous!

In the light of what precedes, should we deduct that evil progresses much faster than good? Saint Paul tells us that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. And this is precisely where the Flame of Love intervenes in this combat.

For the Flame of Love is an admirable grace that Heaven puts at our disposal, particularly in those times we live in. It is certainly not by chance that this grace was revealed to Elizabeth Kindelmann right at the beginning of the Sixties of the last century. This period saw the beginning of the great spiritual rout of a large number of countries. Whatever the reasons, the result was identical everywhere: the start of a revolt against the two-thousand-year-old values of these civilizations based on Christianity. From these years onwards, the offensive of the forces of darkness took such an important scale that the result is felt cruelly in the new generations, deprived of the knowledge of the Gospel of Salvation. The Flame of Love is truly the invaluable armor with which, certain of its power, we can with confidence face evil in all its forms. The peculiarity of the Flame of Love is to blind Satan by removing his harmful power. Elizabeth Kindelmann relates the following in her Spiritual Diary: "In the evening, it is in vain that I retired to bed. I could not find rest and sleep did not close my eyes. An enormous buzz invaded my head and, after a few moments, I heard a sound similar to that of an ominous siren. A terrifying smoke started to spiral up in which unrecognizable figures were moaning, jostling and staggering, terrorizing each other. Amid the smoke rising up in spiral appeared an enormous figure that I could not see because of the grayish smoke, but I could feel it was Satan. With a frightening howl, he shouted for help: he did not know what to do. His resistance was weakening, all his tricks failed, and all his attempts proved to be vain. It lasted only a few minutes. Then, the grace of God strengthened in me the conscience that the Flame of Love of the Blessed Virgin must ignite, for it will shake the powers of hell." (The Spiritual Diary, February 1, 1963)

This is what the grace of the Flame of Love produces because Heaven wanted to confer to it this particular power. Are we conscious of this force which is conferred to us? Do we use it? If we do not make use of it now, when will we do it?

If you are aware of the power of the Flame of Love but do not make use of it, why not begin today with a greater determination to set to work its power in order to save souls, so dear to the Lord Jesus.

The Lord Jesus said to Elizabeth Kindelmann in her Spiritual Diary: "My dear soul, wish Me many souls! This is My only prayer: Souls! Oh, souls! How I languish for them!" (August 15, 1964)

... When we take part in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, if we are in a state of grace, the Evil one is blinded, and the plenitude of the graces is transmitted to the soul for which we offer the Holy Mass. The Blessed Virgin: "If you attend a Holy Mass which is not an obligation for you, and if you are in a state of grace before God, I will spread the Flame of Love of My Heart and I will blind Satan during this time. My graces will run out abundantly on the souls for which you offer this Holy Mass. The participation in the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass increases to the highest degree the blindness of Satan." (November 22, 1962)

The Flame of Love Movement

~ * * * ~


From Jesus to Elizabeth: "All are invited to join my special fighting force. The coming of my Kingdom must be your only purpose in life. My words will reach a multitude of souls. Trust! -- I will help all of you in a miraculous way." He continued, "Do not love comfort. Do not be cowards. Do not wait. Confront the storm to save souls. Give yourself to the work. If you do nothing, you abandon the earth to Satan and to sin. Open your eyes and see all the dangers that claim victims and threaten your own souls."
…Our Lady spoke, "My Flame of Love is burning. It is so great that I cannot keep it any longer within me. It leaps out of you with explosive power. When it pours out, my love will destroy the satanic hatred that contaminates the world. The greatest number of souls will be set free. Nothing like this has existed before. This is my greatest miracle that I will do for all. My words are crystal clear. Do not misinterpret them. Otherwise, you would be responsible. Act quickly, do not postpone my Cause for another day." Satan looked on with his arms folded. He senses that the Flame of Love is already lit. This produced his terrible fury.
Our lady continued, "Enter into battle. My Flame of Love will blind Satan to the degree that you spread it to the whole world. This Flame will work miracles in their hearts. They will communicate this miracle to others. No need for this miracle to be authenticated. I will authenticate the miracle in each soul. All will recognize the outpouring of the Flame of Love.
While saying this, Our Lady enlightened me about the mystery of the Word Became Flesh and spoke, "Always seek humility. Distance yourself from those who honor you." Then, the Lord spoke, "Have confidence. Always refer to the Flame of Love. The three divine persons are obligated to my Mother. All graces sought through her will be received. Her love warms the hearts of frozen souls."
"When you pray the Hail Mary, include the following petition, Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity."
When the bishop asked why this should be done, Jesus explained, "Because of the Holy Virgin’s efficacious pleas, the Most Blessed Trinity granted the outpouring of the Flame of Love. For her sake, you must place this prayer in the Hail Mary."
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
…She allowed me to experience the effects of the grace of her Flame of Love, for myself and all of Hungary. She said, "Satan has been blinded for some hours now. He has lost power. It is especially the sin of lust that covers so many victims. The evil spirits are frightened and inactive. They do not understand what has happened. Satan has stopped giving them orders. Souls are free from his power. Tomorrow, when they awaken, millions will seek a conversion" She allowed me to see what these souls are experiencing.

“Through this prayer, Satan will be blind
and souls will not be led into sin."


In another message, He said, "To you who are lukewarm. How can I gain your attention? You no longer come to me in confidence. You are content with the passing things of earth, when I want you to come to me." After this, Jesus said to me, "Record my complaints. Perhaps, when they read it, their hard hearts will be inflamed. I wish I had to complain only about a few."


…Jesus continued, "If a fire begins, do not people put it out? Why do you not put out Satan’s fire? How many look on in cowardice? They will be responsible. They close their eyes and let souls be condemned. Oh, consecrated souls do not be lazy. Laziness is the root of every evil in your soul. It leads to despair, and you are unaware of its presence."

Jesus then spoke of my (Elizabeth’s) martyrdom, "Your inner martyrdom is My Will and Satan cannot stop it. This inner battle brings forth great fruit, just as external martyrdom does. You must never be halfhearted."


Our Lady also spoke, "Hungarian families are torn apart. With my Flame of Love, I want the home to come alive again with love. I want to unite scattered families. Help me! My Flame of Love being lit depends on you."


Then, Our Lady spoke, "I grant your request. If at any moment, someone prays three Hail Marys in my honor, while referring to the Flame of Love, they will free a soul from purgatory..."

On another occasion, the Blessed Mother promised, "If people assist at Mass without any obligation and are in God’s grace, I will pour out the Flame of Love and blind Satan during Mass. When Satan is blinded, he can do nothing. Participating in Mass helps the most in blinding Satan. He knows his downfall is near.


…while I was working, the Virgin spoke. "You are a mother. What if your six children were condemned to hell? What sorrow would you experience! Likewise, what torments I experience to see so many of my children fall into hell. Help me!" My heart cringed with sorrow.

Biography of Elizabeth Kindelmann

~ * * * ~


The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) is a critical moment in human history when every person alive will see their soul in the light of divine truth. 

Through The Flame of Love, the Blessed Virgin Mary asks us to take part in the blinding of Satan, the source of all evil, in order to prevent him from harming souls. 

"The earth has been covered in darkness because of the lack of faith in the soul of humanity and therefore will experience a great jolt. Following that, people will believe. This jolt, by the power of faith, will create a new world. Through the Flame of Love of the Blessed Virgin, faith will take root in souls, and the face of the earth will be renewed, because 'nothing like it has happened ever since the Word became Flesh.' The renewal of the earth, although flooded with sufferings, will come about by the power of intercession of the Blessed Virgin." _ Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann 


"Mother of God, spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."

~ * * * ~


(Monday & Saturday) 

(Tuesday & Friday) 

(Wednesday & Sunday) 


~ * * * ~


From an article posted by Mark Mallett
on December 21, 2017

In the remarkable approved revelations to Elizabeth Kindelmann, a Hungarian woman who was widowed at the age of thirty-two with six children, Our Lord reveals an aspect of the “Triumph of the Immaculate Heart” that is coming.

"The Lord Jesus had a really deep conversation with me. He asked me to urgently take the messages to the bishop. (It was March 27, 1963, and I did that.) He spoke to me at length about the time of grace and the Spirit of Love quite comparable to the first Pentecost, flooding the earth with its power. That will be the great miracle drawing the attention of all humanity. All that is the effusion of the effect of grace of the Blessed Virgin’s Flame of Love. The earth has been covered in darkness because of the lack of faith in the soul of humanity and therefore will experience a great jolt. Following that, people will believe. This jolt, by the power of faith, will create a new world. Through the Flame of Love of the Blessed Virgin, faith will take root in souls, and the face of the earth will be renewed, because 'nothing like it has happened ever since the Word became Flesh.' The renewal of the earth, although flooded with sufferings, will come about by the power of intercession of the Blessed Virgin." __ The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: The Spiritual Diary (2898-2899).

[Pope Francis gave his Apostolic Blessing upon the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement on June 19, 2013.]

Several times throughout her diary, the Blessed Virgin or Jesus speak of the “Flame of love” and the “effect of grace” that will eventually change the course of humanity. The Flame is understood as Jesus Christ himself. But what is the “effect of grace”?

If we think of the coming of Jesus like the rising of the sun at dawn, then the “effect of grace” is like the first ray of dawn or the subtle haze that crests the horizon. And with that first light there comes a sense of hope and anticipation of the triumph over the darkness of night.

… the best example of the “effect of grace” at work (is) when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45): When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb… at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

Neither Elizabeth nor the unborn infant, John the Baptist, saw Jesus. But Mary, “full of grace”, whose womb was the tabernacle of God, became a vessel of her Son’s presence. Through her, Elizabeth and John experienced the “effect of grace”. It is this kind of “effect” that is coming upon humanity, through Mary’s children primarily, that will bind Satan’s power. But not until the world passes through a Great Storm.

"And I, the beautiful ray of dawn, I will blind Satan. I will free this world darkened by hatred and contaminated by the sulfurous and steaming lava of Satan. The air which gave life to souls has become suffocating and deadly. No dying soul should be damned. My Flame of Love is already lighting up. You know, my little one, the elect will have to fight against the Prince of Darkness. It will be a terrible storm. Rather, it will be a hurricane which will want to destroy the faith and confidence of even the elect. In this terrible turmoil currently brewing up, you will see the brightness of my Flame of Love illuminating Heaven and earth by the effusion of its effect of grace I am passing on to souls in this dark night." __ Our Lady to Elizabeth, The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: The Spiritual Diary (2994-2997).

But now is a time of waiting, fasting and prayer. It is the time of the “Upper Room” when, gathered with Our Lady, we await this “new Pentecost” that the popes have been praying for this past century...

It is the hour when we must shake ourselves from our indifference and disbelief, and prepare for what has been foretold for centuries.

"The great storm is coming, and it will carry away indifferent souls who are consumed by laziness. The great danger will erupt when I take away my hand of protection. Warn everyone, especially the priests, so they are shaken out of their indifference." __ Jesus to Elizabeth, The Flame of Love (page 77), Imprimatur by Archbishop Charles Chaput

It is the hour to enter the Ark of Our Lady’s heart: "My Mother is Noah’s Ark…" __ The Flame of Love (page 109), Imprimatur Archbishop Charles Chaput

"The grace from the Flame of Love of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will be to your generation what Noah’s Ark was to his generation." __ Our Lord to Elizabeth Kindelmann, The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: The Spiritual Diary (page 294).

As the papal theologian for Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, and John Paul II, confirmed: "Yes, a miracle was promised at Fatima, the greatest miracle in the history of the world, second only to the Resurrection. And that miracle will be an era of peace which has never really been granted before to the world." __ Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi (October 9, 1994), The Apostolate’s Family Catechism (page 35).

"We humbly implore the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, that He may 'graciously grant to the Church the gifts of unity and peace,' and may renew the face of the earth by a fresh outpouring of His charity for the salvation of all." __ Pope Benedict XV, Pacem Dei Munus Pulcherrimum (May 23, 1920).

Yes, Come Holy Spirit, come quickly! Come Lord Jesus, You who are the Flame of Love, and dispel the cold and darkness of this night with your loving presence and the “effect of grace” radiating from Our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart...

~ * * * ~


This prayer begins with a renewal of the Baptismal promises:

Do you renounce Satan? 
- I do.
Do you renounce all his works? 
- I do.
Do you renounce all his seductions? 
- I do.
Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth? 
- I do.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilot, was crucified, died and was buried? 
- I do.
Do you believe that Jesus descended into hell; and on the third day rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty? 
- I do.
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting? 
- I do.

Imagine yourself clothed in white garments, a symbol of your Baptism and of your future life in heaven with the saints and angels.

Imagine an enormous Fire. You enter into that Fire. Do not be afraid. The Fire is Jesus Himself, The Flame of Love. You are not alone; Mary is with you. You are in the deepest part of Her Heart, immersed in her Flame of Love. Mary fills you with great desires so that you want to receive more and more of this Flame, surrender to the Flame and to have Him consume your whole life.

This Flame (Jesus Himself) is the pearl of great price, the treasure hidden in the field, the whole purpose of your life. Allow the Flame to enter your being. Allow Jesus to fill your imagination and memory. Close your eyes and imagine Jesus living within you.

Imagine Jesus in the Mysteries of The Rosary:

He is conceived in Mary’s womb. He sanctifies John the Baptist and Elizabeth. He is born into the world. The shepherds and the Wise Men can see God’s human face. At forty days, He fills the temple with Light. At twelve, He fills that same temple with His Teachings.

At 30, Jesus is Baptized. He receives the Holy Spirit and hears the Father’s voice. He changes water into wine. He preaches, heals, drives out demons and proclaims that the Kingdom is at hand. He reveals His full Glory to Peter, James and John. On the night before His death, He says, “This is My Body,” and “This is My Blood.”

He goes to the Garden where He accepts the Father’s will. He gives Himself over to men whom Satan uses as his instruments. He accepts the wounds on His back and the thorns upon His head. He accepts the cross, walks to Calvary and dies for you.

His soul leaves His body and enters into eternal glory. Jesus’ glorified soul reenters His body, glorifies it and raises it from the dead. He appears to His disciples, tells them to make disciples of all nations, and ascends to the Father’s right hand. He sends the Holy Spirit upon the disciples, takes His mother into heaven, body and soul, and then, makes her Queen of all angels and saints.

After imagining Jesus in these Gospel stories, allow the Flame to come to your will. You welcome Him and He enters your heart, you have invited Jesus to be the center of your life. He is your King. Place this Fire on the lampstand and Jesus’ Light will flood you.

When you receive the Flame with others, you experience the communion of Saints. When one receives, all are blessed. When all receive, each is more blessed.

Right now, Our Lady embraces you and pours out her Flame of Love in great abundance. This is a Holy and sacred moment. She sends this Flame into your heart. The Flame leaps from her heart to yours. She gives the Flame without limits. The Flame of Love is so great that She suffers until the Flame leaves Her Heart and goes to yours, because It belongs in our hearts. She gives the Fire far beyond your capacity to receive. She gives gifts that were meant for others, but they did not receive them. Receive this Flame for everyone -- for yourself, your family, your friends. You will not realize all she has done for you this day. The effects will unfold slowly and powerfully.

Be still. The prayer is complete. Our Lady is pouring out the effects of grace of the Flame of Love.

Remain in silence and receive. Be open to all that Jesus and Mary are doing within you.

~ * * * ~



With the personal approval of His Holiness Paul VI
November 1973

Blessed Virgin Mary our Mother, Your love of God and Your love for us Your children is such that You offer us to Your Divine Son Jesus on the Cross, to obtain forgiveness for our sins from the Eternal Father, and thus, obtain our salvation, and for anyone believing in Jesus not to perish but obtain Eternal Life.

It is with filial trust that we beseech You, Blessed Mother, with the Flame of Love of Your Immaculate Heart and through the Holy Spirit, to inflame in our hearts the fire of a perfect love for God and all men.

Help us to spread this Holy Flame to all people of goodwill, so that the Flame of Love may extinguish the fires of hate all over the world, and Jesus, the Prince of Peace, may be King, front and center, in every heart, in the Sacrament of His Love on the throne of our Altars. Amen.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is the Center for
The United States Movement of the Flame of Love.





December 2, 2020
_ President Trump delivers remarks from the White House to the nation on the 2020 election fraud. President Trump calls this “the most important speech I have ever made.” 





January 19, 2021 



June 26, 2021 _ President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks at the First Post-Presidential Rally in Wellington, OH

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Everyone from clergy to politicians have repeatedly said we must "follow the science." But have lockdowns, social distancing, masking, testing, and vaccination actually been following the science? In this powerful documentary, you'll hear renowned scientists explain how the path we're on may not be "following the science" at all... -Mark Mallett, 6/20/21




Coronaviruses have been around for centuries... The common cold is caused by a coronavirus. Viruses are not to be feared -- because God has given us a most effective immune system. After all, the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.9%.

Ivermectin is highly effective as a safe prophylaxis (prevention) and treatment for COVID-19 -- and its "variants." Last year, President Trump advocated for Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin (AZM) in the treatment of COVID-19. These "wonder drugs" are (hidden) "cures" -- hidden from the people by the Deep State, Big Pharma, Big Tech, corrupt (globalist) politicians, and mainstream media (the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party).

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Q Post 4409
(June 04, 2020)
When media and [D] elected officials [coordinate] [knowingly] attempt to prevent a 'medically verifiable' solution [prevention] re: COVID-19 [prev_death] we enter a STATE OF CRISIS...
Your life means nothing to them [sheep].
You are a vote when it matters and a dollar sign when it does not.

 ~ * * * ~ 

 A new study shows treatment with those medicines (i.e., HCQ & AZM) would have led to many saved lives.



August 24, 2020

April 14, 2021

Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are medically verifiable, inexpensive and safe. Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines Are Not!

July 13, 2020

~ * * * ~

"Your life means nothing to them." 

They blocked you from receiving "wonder drugs" that cure COVID-19. They murdered your elderly loved ones in nursing homes and long-term care facilities... 
And now they are "hell-bent" on getting you vaccinated.

The answer is chilling... "I do not consent."

It is getting harder for mainstream media to spread Democrat propaganda when informed citizens are aware that the news is fake.





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click to stay informed

July 13, 2021


White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia Demanding All Resources Must Activate to Defend His Legitimacy

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August 10, 2021

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September 13, 2021

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October 31, 2021

"Me too, little brother."

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~ * * * ~

Father of the Pandemic

Illustration by Greg Groesch

Dr. Fauci's NIH funneled American taxpayer dollars -- some $7 million -- into the Wuhan Lab.

By Peter Navarro - April 13, 2021

The former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, believes the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 

If Dr. Redfield is correct — and he almost certainly is — then Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health must assume significant responsibility for a global pandemic that has killed over half-a-million Americans, kicked tens of millions of Americans to the unemployment curb and drained trillions of dollars of wealth from the American economy.

SARS-CoV-2 first emerged in the fall of 2019 within several kilometers of both a Wuhan, China, wet market and the Wuhan Lab. The “wet market” theory postulates the virus jumped from an animal to humans as the infected animal was being butchered, cooked and consumed. Alternatively, the “Wuhan Lab” theory postulates the virus escaped from the lab.

The wet market theory has recent historical precedent. China’s first SARS virus, SARS-CoV-1, was quickly tracked to an almost identical virus found in raccoon dogs and Himalayan palm civet cats eaten in wet markets.

Yet after testing thousands of animals, no virologist has found a similar “direct progenitor” of China’s second SARS virus. It is therefore extremely unlikely SARS-CoV-2 came from the Wuhan wet market. That leaves the competing Wuhan Lab theory.

With a biosafety rating of “P4,” the Wuhan Virology Lab houses the most dangerous pathogens on Earth, including the deadly Ebola. However, no P4 lab is ever 100% secure as there are numerous examples of pathogens escaping.

An accidental release of SARS-CoV-2 from the Wuhan Lab is therefore well within reason. This is particularly plausible given a U.S. State Department 2018 warning of sloppy safety precautions at the Wuhan Lab and the possibility of a “new SARS-like pandemic.” (You can’t say we weren’t warned.)

There is also the logic of Occam’s razor: If a deadly virus pops up within several kilometers of the only bio-weapons lab in Asia, the simplest explanation, according to Occam’s razor, is usually the right one. Ergo, SARS-CoV-2 came from the Wuhan Lab.

Then there is this: SARS-CoV-2 most closely resembles viruses that have been found in horseshoe bats; and the Wuhan Lab has an extensive collection of these rare and novel viruses. Adding fuel to this bat cave fire, many of these viruses were brought to Wuhan by China’s so-called Bat Lady Shi Zhengli. Before she was effectively muzzled by the Chinese government, Ms. Shi expressed concerns that the virus may have leaked from her lab.

As to whether SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered, it is here where Dr. Fauci enters this dangerous picture: In 2017, without sufficient warning to the Trump White House, Dr, Fauci and his NIH colleague Dr. Francis Collins re-authorized the use of so-called gain-of-function research inside China’s Wuhan Lab.

Gain-of-function is a genetic engineering tool that improves the ability of a virus to cause disease. In pushing for gain-of-function, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins unilaterally overturned a 2014 decision by the Obama White House to restrict such experiments because of their inherent dangers.

In fact, SARS-CoV-2 exhibits several highly unusual functional characteristics that suggest the virus has been genetically engineered. For example, unlike SARS-CoV-1 and most other viruses, SARS-CoV-2 is characterized by a high degree of “asymptomatic spread.” This makes the virus far more contagious — and therefore far more deadly.

The high degree of asymmetric spread — along with the rapid and deadly mutations of the virus we are now observing — suggest the possibility of a weaponized virus. Here, the U.S. State Department has revealed that the Wuhan Lab has engaged in research on behalf of the People’s Liberation Army since 2017 — the same year Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins approved gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

The last piece of this “Fauci as the Father of the Pandemic” puzzle is this: Dr. Fauci’s NIH funneled American taxpayer dollars — some $7 million — into the Wuhan Lab through a shadowy figure named Peter Dasak. Mr. Dasak, himself, bragged about genetically engineering viruses at the Wuhan Lab prior to the pandemic.

If Dr. Redfield and Occam’s razor are right that the Wuhan Lab spawned SARS-CoV-2, history will judge the Chinese Communist Party and Dr. Fauci to be two of, if not the strangest, then certainly most deadly of bedfellows in history. For it was Dr. Fauci — and these facts are not in dispute — that provided the Wuhan Lab with both the funding and the green light for gain-of-function experiments. This is a congressional investigation waiting to happen. _The Washington Times

~ * * * ~


Tucker Carlson, June 2, 2021




Israeli Iron Dome Intercepts Hamas Rockets

As you know, Israel has been carrying out air strikes against Palestinian militants in Gaza, after its targeted killing of a top Palestinian rocket commander. Israel says Bahaa abu el-Atta of the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad was behind a series of rocket attacks on its territory. Palestinian militants responded by firing rockets at Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv. It is one of the worst escalations of violence on the Israel-Gaza border in years.

 "Requiem" by Eliza Gilkyson 
Sung by Seattle Choral Company 

~ * * * ~

"Israel didn’t initiate attacks on Gaza or Hamas or the Palestinian Authority. And it didn’t attack the backer of this violence: the regime in Iran.
Every single life lost in this conflict, Israeli and Palestinian alike, is the result of Iranian-backed Palestinian terror." _ Mike Pompeo, Former US Secretary of State (May 19, 2021)




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A frontman is a person who represents an organization and works to make its image more appealing to the public.

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~ * * * ~

Joe Biden has dementia. Everyone knows this to be true. The Biden Administration is a front for the "Obama Coalition."

Nancy Pelosi Inadvertently Calls Biden’s "Build Back Better" Agenda "The Obama Agenda."


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