Pandemic-Like Story
that CNN will "beat to death."
"Be prepared; it's coming."
- Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director
CNN Technical Director Admits Network Airs
Political Propaganda.
~ * * * ~
Brainwashed Teenager at the 2019 U.N. Climate Action Summit
Unfortunately, Greta has bought the (radical) ideological solutions being promoted by the United Nations... She does not realize that what she is demanding will ultimately result in the enslavement of her generation. How I would have preferred to hear Greta say: How dare you alter the climate statistics and manipulate the data in order to impose a carbon tax on the poor! How dare you try to slide Climategate past my generation and use “global warming” to impose a socialist agenda! How dare you threaten my generation with apocalyptic scenarios to scare them, make them anxious, and brainwash them into accepting the reordering of the economy into a communist system. How dare you!! __ Mark Mallett, "The Unfurling Revolution," Sept. 26, 2019
"The 'existential threat' scenario is another left-wing falsehood used to whip up hysteria that will lead to the left's control of the economy and society." _ Dennis Prager
Debate Over Climate Change and the
Political Games Played to Create Policy
Dr. Patrick Michaels, Director of the Center for
the Study of Science at the Cato Institute.
Climate Change Narrative is Driven by
Agenda of Political Control
Myron Ebell, Director of Global Warming and
International Environmental Policy
at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.