Fox Mulder’s Poster,
The X-Files (1993–2002)
From “The Coming Counterfeit”
By Mark Mallett
(Comments in red are mine.)
Published: April 8, 2010
“I am not certain that we can ignore the increasing manifestation of ‘UFOs’ and the deception that may accompany this. There is a belief within the New Age that the mythology of the gods and the human race was ‘birthed’ from aliens… aliens who will return at some point to bring us into an age of peace and harmony. (Of course, this is nonsense.) One researcher estimates that there are six ‘sightings’ somewhere in the world every hour.” (This is not nonsense.)
“I agree with many other Christians that these (UFOs) are deceptions, but on a couple different levels. For one thing, in those who have been ‘abducted’ (by aliens -- which are demons), there is often left behind a ‘residue’ of after-effects which are very similar to demonic possession, including at times the smell of sulfur.”
[There are no aliens, and there is no extraterrestrial threat. As with “sleep paralysis,” the “alien abduction” experience is a demonic attack that can be abruptly stopped by crying out the Name, Jesus! (Philippians 2:9-11)]
“While there appears to be a demonic element to UFO abductions, there is also evidence that governments possess far more advanced technology than many realize. The ability to produce ‘anti-gravity’ effects has been proven, but never allowed to proliferate in the private sector: it could very well be that UFOs are, in fact, not driven by little green men from Mars, but the product of highly advanced earth technology. This is precisely the conclusion of some who have been involved in high levels of the New Age, but have converted to Christianity. It is also the conclusion of some brilliant scientists and inventors in our time who have been silenced or eliminated when their discoveries and inventions have ‘gone too far.’ Is a coordinated ‘UFO invasion’ possible? Yes, it’s possible… but not from aliens, rather, powerful people wielding powerful tools of manipulation (and control).
12/4/1985 _ U.S. President Ronald Reagan remarks to students and faculty @ Fallston High School, Fallston, Maryland ... 9/21/1987 _ President Reagan’s Address to The General Assembly @ The United Nations (UN), Manhattan, New York City, NY ... 5/4/1988 _ President Reagan’s Address to Members and Guests of National Strategy Forum @ Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois.
For those involved in Satanism (Freemasonry) and black magic (rituals), it is an Occultic rite to inform their victims, usually in veiled messages, of what they will be doing to them. For those with power and money (members of secret societies conspiring to establish a New World Order), it may often be done through the media in very non-implicating ways. Have the proliferation of Hollywood UFO movies where ‘aliens’ invade or attack or save the earth been a subtle way of projecting a message to the public under the guise of entertainment? (A form of Conditioning.)
Several years ago, I was having a reoccurring dream in which the stars would begin to spin… and then change into fleets of strange, droning aircraft. Some time after, in an instant, I was given to understand what this dream was, and it frightened me (more so because I thought it was crazy!) But now that I have come to understand that such technologies exist and have been witnessed by very credible people (who said the UFOs they saw were not aliens, but definitely man-made), it makes sense in the bigger picture. But it is still disturbing given the conditioning that we continue to see in the media for the public to accept these flying saucers as visitors from space. Can you imagine the panic…?
Considering how widespread is the world’s fascination with UFOs (a sign of the times), this is a deception we should keep in mind, for it may play a significant role in the larger deception that will seduce mankind. [Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie, that all who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned. (2 Thessalonians 11-12)] If you see UFOs appear over your cities some day, remember what was written here.”