
Showing posts with label Locution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Locution. Show all posts



Many Protestant deliverance ministers behave as though freedom from the demonic is the ultimate objective. One of these once told me, “I’ll have you know that I am ‘triple-mantled’ for deliverance.” I don’t even know what that means.

Deliverance is part of God’s healing ministry. And deliverance -- apart from inner healing -- is abuse. The ultimate objective should be “inner healing and wholeness.”

“Nature abhors a vacuum.” The same is true in the spiritual realm. Deliverance from evil spirits creates a “spiritual vacuum.” Therefore, the immediate need (for one who is already baptized) is for the “infilling of the Holy Spirit” and prayer for “inner healing.” Then, through Daily Eucharist and frequent Confession, one will continue to be healed and become more whole. Sanctifying Grace received in the Sacraments fills the “spiritual vacuum.”

~ * * * ~

Some time ago, I came to realize that many of the healings I witness are, in fact, deliverances. A woman once exclaimed, “When you prayed for me, I felt something lift!” It was an oppressing spirit that left her -- because of the anointing (that is, the charism of healing).

For some cases, all that is required is a touch and a prayer; other cases require some spiritual warfare. And all that is required of me are simple commands “in the Name of Jesus,” as inspired by the Holy Spirit. [I do not perform exorcisms. Only a priest may perform an exorcism -- and only with the permission of his Bishop.] It is this charism that causes demons to manifest, and ultimately leave.

The charism that heals also delivers!

San Francisco, CA (September 1990)

_ I attended a Mario Murillo Crusade where I (a Catholic layman) was welcomed to pray for people in the ministry tent. One night I was led to three women. As I approached, one of them became silent and lowered her head. When I looked into her face, I saw her eyes “roll backward” into her skull. Only the white of her eyes could be seen.

The woman was possessed -- but the demons did not begin to manifest until I approached her. It was the presence of the anointing (the charism) that caused these demons to manifest.

This was my “introduction” to the deliverance side of God’s healing ministry. [God is in control, and I do my part.] I followed the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, and the woman was set free.

Days later, I was informed that this woman was one of two lesbians who had made a “suicide pact” with the Devil. That night, she had planned to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge -- but God intervened, and led her to the Crusade (below the bridge) where He had placed me.

Diocese of Arlington, VA (October 2010)

_ After a healing service in Northern Virginia, a psychotherapist asked me to pray with her patients. Then she took me to see one of her patients believed to be a “locutionist.” [A locution is a form of private revelation, similar to an apparition, but rather than being seen a locution is heard or received internally.]

The locutions were convincing -- but diabolical. The woman’s psychotherapist suspected demonic possession, and an exorcism had been approved and scheduled. I had been invited to participate in this exorcism, but the invitation was withdrawn because of liability concerns. Later, I was told the exorcism had been cancelled.

As we approached a large house in the suburbs, a woman yelled from the front door, “They know you’re coming!” The woman invited us into her home and proudly showed us her “shrine” -- a beautiful display of holy icons and statues… She was a nice lady, and it was obvious that she was a devout Catholic. But when she began to speak about Jesus, I heard the mocking voice of a demon!

I interrupted with the command, “In the Name of Jesus, evil spirit shut up!” And immediately, the woman became silent. I remember the surprised look on the doctor’s face.

I asked the woman to sit down, and we began to pray. I asked the doctor to pray the Rosary while I prayed for deliverance and inner-healing. [Once delivered, a man once said that he could feel the Power of the Rosary -- during the war for his soul!]

After two 3-hour sessions, the woman was free. And when the doctor asked me about the diabolical locutions, I told her to burn them.

~ * * * ~

Once delivered from evil spirits, there is no going back to the former (sinful) way of life. One is now called to “a life of holiness” -- a life centered on the Holy Eucharist. This is now very important -- because the evil spirits will return!

“When an unclean (evil) spirit goes out of someone, it roams through arid regions searching for rest but, finding none, it says, ‘I shall return to my home from which I came.’ But upon returning, it finds it swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and brings back seven other spirits more wicked than itself who move in and dwell there, and the last condition of that person is worse than the first.” (Luke 11:24-26)

[“When the assault of demons (evil spirits) is repulsed, the devil is not rendered incapable of further attack. But it seems that he cannot return immediately to the assault, but only after the lapse of a definite time.” _ St. Thomas Aquinas, The Summa Theologica]

When evil spirits return and find their (former) home Spirit-filled and Sacramentally fortified, they cannot “move in and dwell there.” All doors are closed; all permission (consent) is revoked.




In 1863, a Bernardine Sister was shown in spirit the vast desolation caused by the Devil throughout the world. At the same time, she heard the Blessed Virgin Mary telling her it was true. Hell had been let loose upon the earth. The time had come to pray to her as “Queen of the Angels” and to ask of her the assistance of the Heavenly Legions to fight against these deadly foes of God and men.

Our Lady communicated the following prayer (approved by the Church). A person who says this prayer receives a 300 day indulgence. _ Catholic Online
“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Most Blessed Virgin Mary,
Queen of Heaven!
Sovereign Mistress of the Angels!
Thou who from the beginning 
hast received from God
the power and mission to 
crush the head of Satan,
we humbly beseech thee to 
send thy holy Legions,
that, under thy command and
by thy power,
they may pursue the evil spirits, 
encounter them on every side,
resist their bold attacks 
and drive them hence
into the abyss of eternal woe.

Most holy Mother,
send thy Angels to defend us
and to drive the cruel enemy from us.

All ye holy Angels and Archangels 
help and defend us.

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
