
Showing posts with label Holy Eucharist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Eucharist. Show all posts



 The Portiuncula Indulgence is a grace
not to be missed!
Prepare yourself -- and encourage
others to do the same.

From vespers on August 1st 
Until sundown on August 2nd


The Portiuncula Indulgence is the first plenary indulgence ever granted in the Roman Catholic Church. One who gains the Portiuncula Indulgence is freed from all temporal punishments and becomes as pure as after Baptism.

St. Francis of Assisi persuaded Pope Honorius III to grant a plenary indulgence to all who visit the Portiuncula (Little Portion) on the 2nd day of August and confess their sins. This indulgence has been extended to all Catholic churches throughout the world.

To obtain the Plenary Indulgence of 
The Forgiveness of Assisi 
(For oneself or for a departed soul):

1) Sacramental Confession 
(8 days before or after);

2) Participation in the Holy Mass
And Eucharist 
(August 2nd);

3) Recitation of The Apostles Creed, 
Our Father, 
And a prayer for the Pope’s Intentions 
(After Mass).

Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli

click to enlarge

Since the mid-17th century, the Portiuncula (Little Portion) has been enshrined within the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli (Our Lady of the Angels) in Assisi.

click to enlarge

The Portiuncula Indulgence is a grace not to be missed -- not only for you but for the many suffering souls in Purgatory. The Portiuncula Indulgence can be obtained by any member of the faithful.

Spread the word!





18th Century

Reading of Voltaire's tragedy of the Orphan of China in 
the salon of Marie Thérèse Rodet Geoffrin, by Lemonnier

The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement which viewed the world from the perspective of human reason, rather than faith. This culminated in THE FRENCH REVOLUTION with a violent rejection of Christianity.

The 16 Carmelite Sisters of Compiegne go to the guillotine 
during the Great Terror in June 1794.

The revolutionaries in France intentionally set out to overturn the established order and break with the past. Christianity was seen as being supportive of the old political order. The revolutionary government destroyed churches, exiled or executed thousands of Catholic clerics, and tried to expunge all traces of France’s Christian past from public life.



A priest in New Boston, Michigan received visits from St. Therese of Lisieux (the "Little Flower"), who had given a message for the Church.

In April 2008, the French Saint appeared in a dream wearing a dress for her First Holy Communion and led him toward the church. However, upon reaching the door, he was barred from entering. She turned to him and said:

Just as my country [France], which was the eldest daughter of the Church, killed her priests and faithful, so will the persecution of the Church take place in your own country. In a short time, the clergy will go into exile and will be unable to enter the churches openly. They will minister to the faithful in clandestine places. The faithful will be deprived of the “kiss of Jesus” [Holy Communion]. The laity will bring Jesus to them in the absence of the priests.

Immediately, (the priest) understood that she was referring to THE FRENCH REVOLUTION (1789) and the sudden persecution of the Church which burst out. [...]

...In January 2009, (the priest) audibly heard St. Therese of Lisieux repeat her message with more urgency:

In a short time, what took place in my native country, will take place in yours. The persecution of the Church is imminent. Prepare yourself.

“It will happen so fast,” (the priest told Mark Mallett), “that no one will really be prepared. People think this can’t happen in America. But it will, and soon.” _ From "REVOLUTION!" (August 12, 2009)




From the Evening of Holy Thursday 
To the Evening of Easter Sunday 

The 1977 British-Italian television miniseries 




When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. (Acts 2:1-4)

The place where Jesus had his Last Supper,
and washed the feet of the disciples.
The place where Jesus instituted the priesthood,
and instituted the Eucharist.
The place where the Holy Spirit
came upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost.

"Do not grow weary of turning to Heaven: the world stands in need of prayer. It needs men and women who feel the attraction of Heaven in their life, who make praise to the Lord a new way of life. And may you be joyful Christians! I entrust you all to Mary Most Holy, present in the Upper Room at the event of Pentecost. Persevere with her in prayer, walk guided by the light of the living Holy Spirit, proclaiming the Good News of Christ." _ Address of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to Charismatic Catholics on May 26, 2012

~ * * * ~






OUR LORD TOLD ST. FAUSTINA, “My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable Mercy. I desire that the ‘Feast of Mercy’ be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender Mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My Mercy.


On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My Mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come forth from the very depths of My most tender Mercy. Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My Love and Mercy throughout eternity. The ‘Feast of Mercy’ emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be ‘solemnly celebrated on THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER EASTER.’ Mankind will not have Peace until it turns to the fount of My Mercy.”
(“Divine Mercy In My Soul,” Diary of St. Faustina, #699)


1) Go to Confession.
2) Receive the Eucharist.
3) Offer prayers for 
the intentions of the Pope.
4) Recite the “Divine Mercy Chaplet”
in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament
In a state of grace, 
practice a work of charity
in honor of The Divine Mercy.


(The more one chooses to trust, 
the more grace one receives.)

THE CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY is a Powerful prayer that pleads God’s Mercy on the whole world. (3:oo PM is the “Hour of Mercy.”)

“Today I was awakened by a great storm. The wind was raging, and it was raining in torrents, thunderbolts striking again and again. I began to pray that the storm would do no harm, when I heard the words: ‘Say the chaplet I have taught you, and the storm will cease.’
I began immediately to say the chaplet and hadn’t even finished it when the storm suddenly ceased, and I heard the words: ‘Through the chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My Will.’”
(“Divine Mercy In My Soul,” Diary of St. Faustina, #1731)

“When they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the Just Judge but as the Merciful Savior.” (“Divine Mercy In My Soul,” Diary of St. Faustina, #1541)






What graces can I receive on this day?

Our Lord revealed to St. Faustina His desire to flood us with His graces on that day. Reflect on each of the promises and desires that He expressed about Divine Mercy Sunday, which are recorded in entry 699 of the Diary of St. Faustina -- the main passage about the Feast of Mercy:

• On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open.
• I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy [the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist].
• The soul that will go to Confession [beforehand] and receive Holy Communion [on that day] shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.
• On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened.
• Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.
• My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout eternity.
• Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity.
• The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness.
• It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter.
• Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy.

These promises and desires point to an amazing flood of graces that are available to us on Divine Mercy Sunday -- including complete forgiveness of sins and punishment! The slate can be wiped clean, and we can be granted a completely fresh start in life. _ Fr. George W. Kosicki, CSB

~ * * * ~ 


1) Go to Confession.
2) Receive the Eucharist.
3) Offer prayers for
the intentions of the Pope.
4) Recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet
in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament
In a state of grace,
practice a work of charity
in honor of The Divine Mercy.

Click link

Recorded at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy 
Eden Hill, Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Viewed worldwide on EWTN.




This morning, I believe the Lord showed me how to respond to a prayer request for someone with terminal cancer. I am also aware that this is an appropriate response to many other prayer requests I receive.

I replied: (The woman) should receive the Eucharist every day. For about 15 minutes after receiving Holy Communion, she will have within her, flowing through her body, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

After receiving Holy Communion each day, (the woman) should pray:

Lord Jesus, as Your Blood mixes with mine and flows through my veins, purify my blood of all cancer cells. (Pause) Lord Jesus, as You flow through me, touch all the areas of my body that need to be restored to health. (Pause) Jesus, I surrender my life to You; take care of everything. Amen.

Of course, (the woman) must be free of all bitterness, resentment... and un-forgiveness. I also recommend The Surrender Novena -- Total Abandonment to God:

Although there is no distance in prayer, the charism of healing requires physical touch -- that is, “the laying on of hands.” Obviously, this cannot be done “long distance.” But, you do not need someone like me to receive God's healing touch. There is a more perfect way: the Sacraments of the Catholic Church.

Jesus Christ Is In The Eucharist! The doctrine of the Real Presence asserts that in the Holy Eucharist, Jesus is literally and wholly present -- body, blood, soul and divinity -- under the appearances of bread and wine.

“In the Eucharist is the same identical Jesus Who was carried by Mary for nine months in her womb before she delivered Him in Bethlehem. It is the selfsame Jesus Who died on the Cross, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.” _ Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

“Do not, therefore, regard the bread and wine as simply that, for they are, according to the Master’s declaration, the body and blood of Christ. Even though the senses suggest to you the other, let faith make you firm. Do not judge in this matter by taste, but be fully assured by faith, not doubting that you have been deemed worthy of the body and blood of Christ.” _ Cyril of Jerusalem [Saint Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem (348-378) “Doctor of the Church” (Catechetical Discourses)]

Become a Daily Communicant.




Pope Francis recently visited the gypsy community in Rome and celebrated Mass at San Giuseppe all’Aurelio. The Holy Father spoke about babies crying in church: “...Children cry, they are noisy, they don’t stop moving. But it really irritates me when I see a child crying in church and someone says they must go out. God’s voice is in a child’s tears: they must never be kicked out of church.” _ Catholic World News

Pope Francis was speaking to parents of children (babies) baptized in the last year. He called children’s tears “the best sermon” -- but when babies cry in church, they often scream as well... And when this happens, sensitive mothers usually remove their children of their own accord -- they are not kicked out of church. Are they?

Why do babies cry during Mass? Of course, there are many reasons -- but I want to focus on their “spiritual sensitivity” ...

We know that babies are very sensitive and can be “over-stimulated” by the world around them. They can have difficulty processing it all -- people crowded together, the many voices, the music, the noise, the lights, the movement (standing, sitting, kneeling...) -- all too much to take in, especially while teething...

If we had eyes to see what is unseen, we would see a multitude of angels present at every Mass. But can evil spirits also be present in the church during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?

Babies are “spiritually” sensitive.

During a 3-year mission in the Miles Platting area of Manchester, England (1993-1995), I attended Mass at the Basilica of Corpus Christi, a Norbertine Priory. One day during Mass, I was unusually distracted. The babies in the church were crying -- all of them!

I received an inspiration and said, "Evil spirits in this church, I BIND you in Jesus’ Name.” Immediately, the babies in the church stopped crying -- all of them!

Yes. Evil spirits can be present in the church during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The people bring them in with them. And babies react to an evil presence. (In the Traditional Latin Mass, the priest sprinkles the people with holy water before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass begins. Holy water drives out evil spirits.)

Have you ever been unusually distracted by thoughts during Mass -- even while trying to focus your attention on the readings and prayers?

Whenever your “inner peace” is disturbed, realize that something is disturbing it! And one way to restore peace is to BIND evil spirits: “Evil spirits, I BIND you in Jesus’ Name.”




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“The picture above is of my home in Fort Valley, Virginia, and the light is coming from my (private) chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. There is no light in the window and there is no sun out on the day of the picture.” (It was a cloudy day.) _ Fr. Robert Lange

In May 2007, Bishop Paul Loverde of the Arlington Diocese of Northern Virginia gave Rev. Robert Lange permission to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in his chapel on the second floor of his home. The Eucharist had been reserved in the chapel less than a week when this picture was taken from the front porch of a neighbor’s home.

When the neighbor aimed her camera and tried to focus, she said the light coming from Fr. Robert Lange’s house was so bright that it was difficult to look into the camera. (It was a cloudy day and there was no light on in the chapel.) She took the picture and the image -- the Star of David -- is what came out on her digital camera. Not being Catholic, the neighbor had no understanding of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

“My opinion is that Our Lord wanted to give us a beautiful reminder of His True Presence in the Holy Eucharist -- Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity! It is a reminder that He is with us always, that we are never alone, that He is the Son of God and the Son of Man. It is a vivid reminder that He truly suffered and died on the Cross and that He Is Present in this world -- until His Second Coming -- in this Most Special manner -- the Eucharist.
Just as the Star appeared over the stable in Bethlehem when the Christ Child was born, so the Star of David has appeared through the window of my chapel on St. David’s Church Road, Fort Valley, Virginia, to remind us of His Care, Love, Protection, and Presence in our lives today and always.”
_ Fr. Robert Lange (December 2007)
Source: Spirit Daily




From “Divine Mercy Answers Life’s Crises and Problems”
By Fr. George W. Kosicki, C.S.B.

Father George Kosicki, CSB (1928 - 2014) worked with
the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception
in spreading the message of Divine Mercy. 

“What Should I Do When I’m Addicted?”

There are various types of addictions. They all affect the whole person in body, mind and spirit. The various addictions begin with a seeking of euphoria or pleasure and eventually end in moral degradation and violent behavior. Consider the following:

Addiction to alcohol is a complex phenomenon that involves the chemistry of the brain, genetic propensity stimulated by excessive intake of alcohol and stress. Some researchers have shown that the break down product of alcohol is not excreted but is “dumped” into the brain and sits on the site of the endorphins. The endorphins are the natural chemicals that stimulate a sense of well-being and pleasure. The end product of alcohol metabolism blocks the site of the natural endorphins -- so the alcoholic is addicted to stimulating the endorphin pleasure site with alcohol.

Addiction to drugs (such as heroine, etc.) follows the same pattern as the end-product of the metabolism of alcohol’s inhibiting the natural endorphins. So the drug addict seeks the euphoria of the drug in a compulsive way.

Addiction to pornography is the latest addition to the list of addictions. The euphoric site in the brain is stimulated to give a sense of pleasure from looking at pornographic materials, for example on the internet. Researchers are reporting that addiction to pornography is the major cause of most of the violent action of molestation of the young and the break-up of the family.

“What Should I Do As An Addict?”

There are Twelve-Step programs for each of the various addictions. Seek them out for help; that is why they exist.

In terms of Divine Mercy as the antidote to addiction, consider the following points that echo the Twelve-Step programs:
  1. Admit your misery and your inability to overcome the complex pneumo-psycho-somatic (spiritual, psychological and physical) addiction by yourself. Turn to God’s mercy. Plunge into the ocean of God’s mercy with complete trust.
  2. Repent of your sinful addiction and repent of your violent actions and moral degradation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  3. Ask a prayer group or a priest to pray over you for healing of the addiction.
  4. Trust in God Who in His infinite mercy is always ready to forgive and to heal.
  5. Seek out a support group of merciful friends to encourage you and challenge you to keep your resolutions.
  6. Stop all addictive behavior by the grace of God -- i.e., no alcohol, no drugs, no porn...
  7. Start with a new life -- new friends, new work if needed to reduce stress, new hobbies, new recreations, change your diet to a balanced intake of food.
  8. Start a life of mercy in action: by deeds, by word and by prayer. Seek out ways to be merciful to those in need of help.
  9. Repent of your self-concern and be concerned for others.
  10. Continue in regular, daily prayer of thanks and asking the Lord for mercy on all those with addictions.
  11. Receive regular and frequent Holy Communion to strengthen and nourish you with the Body and Blood of the Lord, the Presence of Mercy Incarnate.
  12. Entrust your new life to Mary our Mother, the Mother of Divine Mercy.
Ask for His mercy.
Be merciful.
Completely trust in Jesus.




Many Protestant deliverance ministers behave as though freedom from the demonic is the ultimate objective. One of these once told me, “I’ll have you know that I am ‘triple-mantled’ for deliverance.” I don’t even know what that means.

Deliverance is part of God’s healing ministry. And deliverance -- apart from inner healing -- is abuse. The ultimate objective should be “inner healing and wholeness.”

“Nature abhors a vacuum.” The same is true in the spiritual realm. Deliverance from evil spirits creates a “spiritual vacuum.” Therefore, the immediate need (for one who is already baptized) is for the “infilling of the Holy Spirit” and prayer for “inner healing.” Then, through Daily Eucharist and frequent Confession, one will continue to be healed and become more whole. Sanctifying Grace received in the Sacraments fills the “spiritual vacuum.”

~ * * * ~

Some time ago, I came to realize that many of the healings I witness are, in fact, deliverances. A woman once exclaimed, “When you prayed for me, I felt something lift!” It was an oppressing spirit that left her -- because of the anointing (that is, the charism of healing).

For some cases, all that is required is a touch and a prayer; other cases require some spiritual warfare. And all that is required of me are simple commands “in the Name of Jesus,” as inspired by the Holy Spirit. [I do not perform exorcisms. Only a priest may perform an exorcism -- and only with the permission of his Bishop.] It is this charism that causes demons to manifest, and ultimately leave.

The charism that heals also delivers!

San Francisco, CA (September 1990)

_ I attended a Mario Murillo Crusade where I (a Catholic layman) was welcomed to pray for people in the ministry tent. One night I was led to three women. As I approached, one of them became silent and lowered her head. When I looked into her face, I saw her eyes “roll backward” into her skull. Only the white of her eyes could be seen.

The woman was possessed -- but the demons did not begin to manifest until I approached her. It was the presence of the anointing (the charism) that caused these demons to manifest.

This was my “introduction” to the deliverance side of God’s healing ministry. [God is in control, and I do my part.] I followed the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, and the woman was set free.

Days later, I was informed that this woman was one of two lesbians who had made a “suicide pact” with the Devil. That night, she had planned to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge -- but God intervened, and led her to the Crusade (below the bridge) where He had placed me.

Diocese of Arlington, VA (October 2010)

_ After a healing service in Northern Virginia, a psychotherapist asked me to pray with her patients. Then she took me to see one of her patients believed to be a “locutionist.” [A locution is a form of private revelation, similar to an apparition, but rather than being seen a locution is heard or received internally.]

The locutions were convincing -- but diabolical. The woman’s psychotherapist suspected demonic possession, and an exorcism had been approved and scheduled. I had been invited to participate in this exorcism, but the invitation was withdrawn because of liability concerns. Later, I was told the exorcism had been cancelled.

As we approached a large house in the suburbs, a woman yelled from the front door, “They know you’re coming!” The woman invited us into her home and proudly showed us her “shrine” -- a beautiful display of holy icons and statues… She was a nice lady, and it was obvious that she was a devout Catholic. But when she began to speak about Jesus, I heard the mocking voice of a demon!

I interrupted with the command, “In the Name of Jesus, evil spirit shut up!” And immediately, the woman became silent. I remember the surprised look on the doctor’s face.

I asked the woman to sit down, and we began to pray. I asked the doctor to pray the Rosary while I prayed for deliverance and inner-healing. [Once delivered, a man once said that he could feel the Power of the Rosary -- during the war for his soul!]

After two 3-hour sessions, the woman was free. And when the doctor asked me about the diabolical locutions, I told her to burn them.

~ * * * ~

Once delivered from evil spirits, there is no going back to the former (sinful) way of life. One is now called to “a life of holiness” -- a life centered on the Holy Eucharist. This is now very important -- because the evil spirits will return!

“When an unclean (evil) spirit goes out of someone, it roams through arid regions searching for rest but, finding none, it says, ‘I shall return to my home from which I came.’ But upon returning, it finds it swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and brings back seven other spirits more wicked than itself who move in and dwell there, and the last condition of that person is worse than the first.” (Luke 11:24-26)

[“When the assault of demons (evil spirits) is repulsed, the devil is not rendered incapable of further attack. But it seems that he cannot return immediately to the assault, but only after the lapse of a definite time.” _ St. Thomas Aquinas, The Summa Theologica]

When evil spirits return and find their (former) home Spirit-filled and Sacramentally fortified, they cannot “move in and dwell there.” All doors are closed; all permission (consent) is revoked.





“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Jesus, You are my Salvation.
Whom should I fear?

But there is fear in me, O God.
Fear from childhood abuse and traumas
long forgotten,
fear buried alive in my subconscious mind,
fear that cripples me in the present day.

There is fear in me, O Lord.
Fear that binds me and imprisons me,
even though I am now in the Light.

Jesus, please BIND the "spirit of fear"
in my life.

Please heal all areas vulnerable to
the spirit of fear,
and all areas under its control.

I thank You for the gift of faith --
a faith greater than fear.

Eucharistic Jesus,
You are the healer of my soul.

Please heal my mind and memory,
my intellect and will.
Please heal all childhood memories
of abuse and trauma
that cause me such pain, anguish
and anxiety in the present day.

Jesus, I give You my wounded heart,
my troubled mind.
I give You my broken family.

In total abandonment and trust,
I surrender my life and family to You.
Take care of everything.

Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament,
I trust in You.

Blessed Virgin Mary, liberator of 
the oppressed,
Crush the “head of the serpent”
in the lives of all who cannot
or will not forgive (me).

Immaculate Mother,
you are Mediatrix of all Grace.

For the sake of the sorrowful passion
of your Son Jesus,
please work your miracles of grace
in all whom I have injured.
Hold them, form them,
in your Immaculate Heart. Amen.

I now entrust all members of my family,
and myself,
to the Blessed Virgin Mary:
“Envelop us in thy mantle,
Immaculate Mother,
and we will be in total security. Amen.”

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
"O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You." 
_ Diary of St. Faustina, #84



Practitioners of black magic (witchcraft) evoke (summon) malevolent powers (demons) to kill, steal, injure, cause misfortune or destruction… A curse will create an “opening” (portal) for evil spirits to attack another and cause considerable damage…

Some signs of a curse can include: a history of mental/emotional breakdown, repeated/chronic/hereditary illness, accident-proneness, repeated miscarriages, a history of marriage breakup, a history/cycle of poverty… and/or a family history of suicides and unnatural deaths.

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke and banish from me all curses, hexes, spells and malefice... In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke and banish from me all voodoo practices, black magic and witchcraft... In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke and banish from me all Satanic rituals, blood oaths and unholy soul ties... In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke and banish from me all diabolical incantations, infestations and oppressions... In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke and banish from me all evil wishes, and the evil eye... In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke and banish from me all fasting prayers, not of the Lord, that have been sent my way, or have been passed down through my generational bloodline.
In the Name of Jesus, I take authority over all of them, and I command that they go back where they came from and be replaced with a blessing.

May the waters of my baptism now flow back through my family line and remove every evil influence. Amen.

In the Name of Jesus, I break every curse, hex, spell… and I bind all black magic and witchcraft directed against me. In the Name of Jesus, I break every curse, hex, spell… and I bind all black magic and witchcraft directed against my husband/wife. In the Name of Jesus, I break every curse, hex, spell… and I bind all black magic and witchcraft directed against my family and home. [Do this three times.]

Lord Jesus, I ask forgiveness for, and I renounce all negative inner vows that I have made. And I ask You, Lord Jesus, to release me from any bondage they may have held in me.
Lord Jesus, I plead Your Most Precious Blood on every aspect of my life, and on all my relationships. “Precious Blood of Jesus, wash over me. Precious Blood of Jesus, wash over all my relationships.”
Lord Jesus, I ask You to cleanse me from all impurities. And I ask You, Lord Jesus, to deliver me from all that is evil and unclean. “Jesus, I trust in You; Mary, Take Over.”

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, (and) spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

~ * * * ~


You know what it is that causes you to suspect a curse on your life and/or family… Do the following spiritual warfare daily, until you feel released:

“In the Name of Jesus, I take authority over every curse, hex and spell directed against me and my family, and I command that they go back where they came from and be replaced with a blessing.”

“Lord Jesus, I choose to forgive everyone responsible for sending a curse to me and my family -- and I ask You to bless them. Amen.”

This will reverse the curse,
and release the blessing of God.


When you receive the Eucharist, for about 15 minutes, you have within you, flowing through your veins, the Blood of Jesus Christ. The Blood of Jesus Christ is now mixing with your blood -- and it is one! This is the time to pray:

“Lord Jesus, as You flow through me, touch the brokenness, the physical ailments within me; heal me. Lord Jesus, as Your Blood flows through my veins, cleanse my family line from every curse, hex and spell. Amen.” 




I often attend daily Mass at a chapel in the heart of the city that is home to many in the Spanish community. Once in a while I notice women wearing the traditional dress of their homeland in the Caribbean Islands. And I have wondered over the years: “Why do the hands of some ‘shake’ after receiving Holy Communion?” “What causes their hands to ‘tremor’ after receiving the Holy Eucharist?”

A few weeks ago, I again witnessed this “shaking or tremor” of the hands after receiving Holy Communion. And again, it was a woman wearing the traditional dress of the Caribbean Islands.

I gently approached this woman after Mass. She did not understand a word of English, but I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to touch her forehead. And when I did, the shaking (tremor) immediately stopped. As people were still exiting the chapel, I could do no more for her. I waited to speak with the pastor.

The monsignor told me that he is aware of this “shaking” and believes it to be “cultural.” He told me it also occurs during the Sacrament of Penance.

Trusting in our good relationship, I told the monsignor that even a devout Catholic woman can have an evil spirit in her body -- and that this “shaking” (this tremor of the hands) could be an evil spirit reacting to the Divine Presence in the Sacraments.

Later that day, I realized the monsignor was also correct in believing this condition to be “cultural.” His parish includes much of the Spanish community -- including immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean Islands, where Voodoo and Santeria are widely practiced!

Santeria is a system of beliefs that merges the Yoruba religion -- brought to the New World by African slaves imported to the Caribbean to work the sugar plantations -- with Roman Catholicism. Countries where Santeria is practiced today include Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Belize, Brazil... and the United States.

Santeria is the worship of Yoruba spirits -- called Orishas. Invoking spirits and spirit possession are important parts of Santeria in Cuba.

Although the Roman Catholic Church officially condemns Santeria, this Afro-Caribbean religion is practiced by many who attend Catholic Mass. Santeria is part of their culture. It is the "fusion" of the Yoruba religion with Catholicism.

Blending of Yoruba Orishas with Catholic Saints

Santeria may appear to be the veneration of Catholic saints; however, it is actually the worship of Yoruba spirits -- called Orishas. Orishas are believed to have influence over human affairs. Each Orisha is believed to express a specific aspect of life: romantic love, money matters, passion, virility... and healing. Altars, statues and artwork are created to revere particular deities. Believers each have their own Orisha that protects and supports them throughout life -- like a guardian angel.

Divination, invoking spirits, spell-casting and spirit possession are all important parts of Santeria. And then there is the darker side of Santeria -- “Palo Mayombe” (black magic). Like practitioners of witchcraft and the Occult, practitioners of Santeria are easily possessed and in need of deliverance.

Palo Mayombe - Black Magic





Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take Christ’s members and make them the members of a prostitute (or a sodomite, witch, psychic…)? Of course not!
[Or] do you not know that anyone who joins himself to a prostitute (or a sodomite, witch, psychic…) becomes one body with her (him)? For “the two,” it says, “will become one flesh.” (Matthew 19:6; Genesis 2:24) [And the demons in his/her body will have the right to invade and inhabit your body. (Demons are transferred through sexual intercourse.)]
But whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.
Avoid immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the immoral person sins against his own body (and opens a door to the demonic).
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.
(1 Corinthians 6:15-20)

"In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins. I renounce all pride, avarice, envy, anger and un-forgiveness. I renounce lust and all acts of fornication, adultery and homosexuality. I renounce gluttony and sloth. I renounce witchcraft, Santeria, the Occult, Satanism and the New Age.

Lord Jesus, I repent of joining with one practicing or dabbling in witchcraft, Santeria, the Occult, Satanism or the New Age. I repent of all my sinful relationships, and I renounce all unholy soul ties. I choose to forgive everyone in my life, both past and present. (And I will confess my sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation as soon as possible.)

“In the Name of Jesus, I sever all unholy soul ties between me and every human being, alive and dead.” (“In the Name of Jesus, I sever all unholy soul ties between my spouse and every human being, alive and dead.” / “In the Name of Jesus, I sever all unholy soul ties between each one of my children and every human being, alive and dead.”)

[Lord Jesus, I repent of having sexual relations with a spirit husband / spirit wife. “In the Name of Jesus, I sever the evil soul tie between me and my spirit husband / spirit wife."
(Adapt to meet your specific circumstances.)]

“In the Name of Jesus, I break every curse, hex, spell… and I bind all witchcraft directed against me.” (“In the Name of Jesus, I break every curse, hex, spell… and I bind all witchcraft directed against my spouse.” / “In the Name of Jesus, I break every curse, hex, spell… and I bind all witchcraft directed against my family and home.”)

“Most Precious Blood of Jesus, wash over me.” (“Most Precious Blood of Jesus, wash over my spouse.” / “Most Precious Blood of Jesus, wash over my family and home.”)

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life (and family) to You. May Your Divine Will reign in me. Amen.

"In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Through the Sacraments, we receive Sanctifying Grace. The Sacrament of Confession is more powerful than the rite of exorcism. Living a Sacramental life is the best defense we have against the Devil. Attend Daily Mass and receive Holy Communion as often as possible.
